Archive for the family Category

Happy Holidays

Posted in family, pope, xmas on 12/25/2008 by theycallmelefty

I’m upstate right now, staying up way too late in my parents’ house. We’ve eaten well, and expect to continue for a few days more. Then it’s back to the city for me.

I’m in a holiday mood, but apparently not as much as the Pope! In his Christmas speech Benedict summarized that saving heterosexuality (from transgenderism, gays and gender theory) is about the same as saving the rainforests. Way to go upsetting just about everyone here in the thinking world, Pope!

By this standard New York City would be to straight people what… New York City is to the rainforests. Hmm.

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, kweat Kwanzaa, and a jolly Solstice to everybody!